The Revival of Print Advertising

In a world where digital marketing is hailed as king, many rush to declare print advertising a relic of the past. However, has print advertising truly lost its relevance and effectiveness? This article dispels the common myths about the obsolescence of print advertising and highlights its enduring value in brands' marketing strategies.

A Bit of History

The history of print advertising traces back to the dawn of civilization, when the first announcements and informational messages were carved on stone tablets or made on parchment. From ancient times to the Renaissance era, when the first printed flyers appeared, print advertising gradually evolved, becoming more accessible and diverse with the advent of the printing press.

In the 20th century, print advertising reached its zenith with the development of magazines, newspapers, and promotional booklets, becoming a key mass communication tool. Though digital channels occupy a significant portion of the marketing space today, print advertising remains an integral part of many successful campaigns due to its ability to create a deep emotional connection with the audience.

Modern technologies have breathed new life into print advertising, allowing it to integrate with digital strategies and opening up new opportunities for creativity and interactivity. From QR codes that link paper to the digital world to innovative designs that make printed materials unforgettable, print advertising continues to prove its efficiency and relevance.

Against the backdrop of constant information overload online, print advertising stands out for its ability to capture attention and remain memorable to consumers, emphasizing the importance of tactile impressions and personal interaction with the brand. Therefore, before relegating print advertising to the history's dustbin, it's worth delving deeper into its capabilities and discovering contemporary approaches to its use.

Why Print Advertising Remains Relevant

When utilized skillfully, print advertising can yield impressive results and holds several significant advantages.

The Psychological Aspect of Physical Touch with Advertising Materials

Physical contact with advertising materials creates a stronger emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. The feel of paper in one's hands, its texture, weight, or even the smell of print can significantly affect perception and emotional states. These elements stimulate deeper engagement and enhance information retention.

Higher Trust and Memorability Compared to Digital Counterparts

Studies indicate that print materials engender greater trust among consumers than their digital counterparts. People tend to view information from print sources as more reliable and authoritative. Also, the absence of the need to scroll or click means print advertising ensures higher information memorability, as consumers can engage more thoroughly with the content.

Target Audience: Where Print Advertising Works Best

While print advertising can be effective across a broad spectrum of target audiences, it is particularly impactful in certain niches and among specific demographic groups. For instance, older individuals who may be less active internet users often engage more with print materials. Print advertising also plays a significant role in local marketing, where the ability to physically touch the material aids in enhancing brand recognition among the local audience.

Print advertising is also effective in segments where high image quality is crucial or where products require detailed descriptions, such as luxury goods, real estate, or automobiles. In these cases, glossy brochures or catalogs can provide potential buyers with a comprehensive and visually appealing representation of the product.

Despite the explosive growth of digital marketing, print advertising continues to hold a vital place in the advertising strategies of many companies, thanks to its benefits like psychological impact, higher trust, better memorability, and effectiveness among certain target audiences.

Creative Approaches in Print Advertising

Product-Shaped Flyers

One of the most effective ways to make your advertisement memorable is to use flyers that mimic the shape of your product. This creative approach not only captures the attention of potential customers but also gives them a tangible sense of what they can expect. For instance, a flyer shaped like a pizza not only informs about a new pizzeria opening but also stimulates appetite and the desire to try the product.

Seed-Embedded Business Cards

Eco-initiatives have gained significant popularity, and print advertising is no exception. Business cards that can be planted not only demonstrate your commitment to an eco-friendly approach but also leave a lasting positive impression. When your potential clients plant the seeds from your business cards, they will be reminded of your brand daily.

Interactive Brochures

Incorporating QR codes into print materials transforms a passive perusal of an advertisement into an active experience. Scanning a QR code can direct your clients to a website, promotional video, or exclusive offer, significantly increasing engagement and providing additional interaction with your brand.

Scented Advertising Materials

Creating a multisensory experience with scented advertising materials is a fantastic way to make your advertisement unforgettable. The aroma of coffee on café flyers or the smell of fresh baking on bakery brochures can effectively motivate potential customers to take action.

3D Flyers and Pop-Up Booklets

Using dimensional elements in print advertising, such as 3D flyers or pop-up booklets, creates a "wow" effect and helps your ad stand out from the rest. These elements not only attract attention but also ensure memorability, which is a key factor in successful marketing.

Practical Tips for Effective Print Advertising

Choosing the Right Format and Material

The choice of format and material for your print advertising plays a significant role. For instance, eco-friendly paper can emphasize your environmental responsibility, while glossy finishes can give your brochures or magazines a more premium appearance. It's important to select materials that reflect your brand values and meet the needs of your target audience.

The Importance of Quality Design and Copywriting

Quality design and effective copywriting are key components of successful print advertising. The design should not only be attractive but also reflect your brand's identity, while the copywriting needs to be clear, persuasive, and action-oriented. Utilizing compelling images and impactful text can significantly increase your brand recognition and audience engagement.

Integration with Digital Channels: Creating Synergy

Integrating print advertising with digital channels can greatly enhance your marketing strategy. For example, including QR codes on printed materials that lead to your website or a special landing page can provide a seamless transition between physical and digital advertising. This helps to create a unified marketing ecosystem, increasing engagement and improving customer interaction.

Measuring Effectiveness: Methods and Tools

Measuring the effectiveness of print advertising is more challenging than digital but not impossible. Using unique promo codes or special phone numbers only mentioned in print materials allows for tracking responses and performing quantitative analysis of campaigns. This can help understand which aspects of your print advertising are working best and where there is potential for optimization.

Case Studies of Success

IKEA's Augmented Reality Catalog

IKEA released an innovative catalog that integrated augmented reality (AR) technology. Through a special app, users could "place" furniture from the catalog directly in their homes before making a purchase. This not only engaged the audience but also significantly improved the user experience, allowing them to visualize products in their own space.

Seed Paper Business Cards

Some companies have started using business cards that can be planted. After use, the card can be planted in the soil, and after some time, flowers or herbs will grow from it. This not only emphasizes the brand's environmental responsibility but also leaves a lasting positive impression on the recipient.

DIY Flyers

A craft beer company created flyers that could transform into origami in the shape of a beer mug. This not only drew attention to their product but also engaged potential customers in interactive activities, enhancing the brand experience.

Pop-up Books for Children from Charitable Organizations

Charities helping children create pop-up books that not only entertain and educate children but also draw adults' attention to the issues these organizations face. With each page turned, a three-dimensional story unfolds. This increases awareness and attracts donations.

These examples demonstrate that print advertising is far from obsolete. With the right creative approach, it can make a significant impact and foster deeper audience engagement.

Several Works from COI.UA's Portfolio

Print advertising is not the main focus of our work. However, as we provide comprehensive support to our clients, sometimes the use of print advertising is appropriate and effective. We invite you to take a look at a few examples of our work in the field of print advertising.


We created a catalog for the company Galychanka quite some time ago. However, it's a great example of how print advertising can significantly help a business. In addition to retail, the company also dealt with wholesale, and client stores, besides a certain line of products, could show their visitors the full catalog of Galychanka brand products and offer to order the liked goods. For printing the catalog, we chose high-quality coated paper, made the cover refined matte, and designed it in corporate colors.


Maisternia znan'

For Maisternia znan' we developed a set of educational flashcards for learning English in collaboration with the client. Each card and section featured a unique illustration in a unified style. The cards were used in the client’s establishments and were also sold. The flashcard box was branded in the Maisternia znan' style and logo.


Shulga Health Care Delivery

The client offered their services within IT companies. During trial sessions, potential clients were gifted a clock for the break room. Such a clock served both a practical purpose and functioned as an advertisement. We designed the branded clock face, printed it on high-quality paper, and replaced the clock faces in the purchased clocks.


Pizza Letta

For Pizza Letta, we developed a lot of cool merch. Today, we want to show you a flyer in the shape of a Margherita pizza, which could be exchanged for an extra Margherita pizza with an order. We also created magnets for each pizza type, fully illustrating the composition of ingredients. The triangular magnets could be assembled into a whole pizza – eight slices. When ordering a pizza, the client received a slice-magnet with an illustration of that pizza and a QR code on the back. Collecting eight identical slices allowed for the exchange of a pizza on the next order.


The summary of benefits and opportunities opened by a creative approach to print advertising

A creative approach to print advertising opens endless possibilities for brands to engage their audience in various ways. From unique formats and materials to integration with digital technologies, creative print advertising can not only capture attention but also leave a lasting impression on consumers. This demonstrates that print advertising remains an effective marketing tool, capable of adapting and evolving with changes in consumer preferences and technologies.


We encourage businesses not to be afraid to experiment and innovate in their advertising campaigns. By stepping outside the traditional methods, companies can discover new ways to interact with their audience, which can lead to increased brand recognition and sales. Using creative approaches allows standing out among competitors and creating a unique experience for their customers.

Collaborate with COI.UA for implementing creative solutions

If you are looking for ways to rejuvenate your print advertising or want to integrate creative elements into your marketing strategies, COI.UA is ready to help. Our team works with you to develop customized and innovative advertising solutions that match your business goals and audience. With COI.UA, you can create not just an effective but also a memorable campaign that elicits emotional response and long-term loyalty among your customers.

Together, we can turn your boldest ideas into reality and prove that print advertising remains a vibrant and essential part of modern marketing.

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