Pizza Letta
Pizza Letta — a pizza delivery company in Lviv. Specializes in original recipes with thin crust. We conducted a thorough audit of the company and the market and worked on the project comprehensively in all marketing segments.
Our task was to restore the company's marketing activities across all channels. It was important to both increase the number of new customers and activate repeat sales for the existing customer base. Additionally, a series of reputation management measures needed to be implemented.
Based on the analysis of the current state of the company, financial and analytical CRM system data, and taking into account market data, competitor metrics, and available placements, we developed a marketing strategy to guide our future actions.
Customer Avatar Map

In building the customer avatar map for Pizza Letta, we first analyzed existing customers, followed by competitors, and discussed with the company's management their previous experiences and the quarantine-related changes in their business processes. The result was the creation of 14 avatars in both the B2C and B2B segments.

Competitive Research

To understand the direction in which companies should move and the methods and strengths they should use to win the audience of competitors, we conducted an analysis of recent developments. We took into account not only marketing activities and approaches but also competitive advantages that keep customers loyal to their chosen delivery service. Additionally, we regularly monitored the prices of typical products in the market and adjusted our client's prices accordingly.

Marketing strategy

We have developed a marketing strategy that includes an analysis of the current situation and a phased plan for promotion. The strategy places emphasis on both activating existing customers and attracting new ones. We thoroughly examined all available placement options and categorized activities into short-term and long-term efforts.


For Pizza Letta, we worked on the texts and design for bags and frisbees. Among dozens of humorous short text options, we selected the most suitable ones, and the finished products were given to customers as a bonus for orders, as part of promotions, for winning contests, and more.

Outdoor Advertising

We also developed banners for use in outdoor advertising near the points of sale. The goal was to grab the attention of passersby and inform them about the promotional offer for self-pickup.


We also worked on updating the team's appearance. Couriers received the most attention – updated caps, t-shirts, hoodies, and a specially designed and tailored lightweight rain jacket made from reflective fabric. Now, couriers are clearly visible in the evenings, and the brand is also visible on their clothing.


Since the client already had a website in place, we conducted an audit of the website, analyzed user behavior on the site, and identified a range of issues with varying priorities. The most significant issues were addressed by the website developers, and we, on our part, monitored the results, conducted testing, and managed the communication process. We developed concepts for some additional features, designed additional pages, including consolidating themes into one, re-enabled LiqPay, updated texts and images, added a page for reviews and tips, and reorganized the menu.

Advertising Banners

We created banner advertisements on the website based on promotions, new products, changes in operating hours, etc. To attract and retain the user's (potential customer's) attention, we used visually appealing photos with concise text messages.


As part of the comprehensive consulting package, we performed a wide range of tasks, both strategic and structural. These tasks included defining the logic for the bonus and referral systems, creating technical specifications for the CRM system and website developers. During our work with the team, we developed various instructions and documents to ensure the proper handling of discounts and facilitate the exchange of information among team members. We conducted training sessions on dealing with customers in non-standard or conflict situations and handling customer messages on social media. Additionally, we organized product photography and shot promotional videos, designed corporate clothing for the team, and merchandise. We conducted secret shopper testing as well.

Working with reviews and SMS

We analyzed customer reviews on all platforms, provided responses to all old reviews, and developed templates for typical responses for further effective communication with customers. Additionally, we created texts for advertising and informational SMS messages for distribution.

Working with Bloggers

We streamlined our collaboration with bloggers and completely eliminated barter cooperation upon request. We regularly organized collaborations with TikTok bloggers, wrote scripts for videos, filmed and edited them. We also handled negative situations. For example, after a severe breach of contract by one of the bloggers, we organized a neutral collaboration with competitors who were also affected by his actions: we sent them a thematic cake, and they reciprocated with creative video clips.


We started our work on social media by creating a general concept for positioning Pizza Letta. We unanimously decided to address our subscribers informally, create not only promotional but also entertaining and interactive content, and complement it with appetizing photos.

Social media management

We analyzed the client's social media pages, performed clean-up, setup, and filled in necessary sections. We connected a dynamic product catalog from the website. Every month, we developed a content plan for posts, advertisements, and stories. For stories, we chose to work with memes and delighted followers and clients with witty pizza-related jokes daily. We created and populated pages for TikTok, Twitter, and Google My Business. We also tested advertising on Tinder. In Instagram, we encountered the issue of clone accounts that were created at different times by subcontractors and lost access to them. Since the company had a registered trademark, we requested technical support to remove all clones. We also removed old Google My Business listings and created new ones.

Targeted advertising

According to the customer avatar (CA) map, we prepared advertising creatives and set up advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and third-party services. We also properly configured the website pixel, organized retargeting advertising campaigns, developed promotion concepts, implemented them, and generated reports based on the results.


For the client, we configured Google Analytics with all the parameters. We also integrated the HotJar service and set up click tracking. We prepared comprehensive monthly reports that covered the results of advertising on Google, social media, organic sales, and more. We based our analysis on five classic metrics: gross revenue, the number of new customers (absolute and relative), the number of repeat sales (absolute and relative), and the number of new and repeat orders. We also analyzed fluctuations in the average order value and average delivery time.

Contextual advertising

For the client, we configured all types of contextual advertising. Brand advertising, remarketing, and search advertising targeting competitors' keywords showed promising results. Contextual advertising became the primary channel for increasing sales.

Working with corporate clients

Since our customer's target audience map included not only B2C but also B2B avatars, we also worked on attracting corporate clients. Before the pandemic, offices ordered pizza for large gatherings, but with the transition to remote work during the lockdown, the number of such orders decreased. Therefore, we developed a completely new loyalty scheme adapted for remote work for corporate clients. We presented the offer in an elegant and concise presentation and sent it by email to existing and potential B2B clients.

Loyalty Program

One of the goals of the strategy was to increase repeat sales. We implemented this task using several tools. The first one was automated SMS notifications, aimed at reminding existing customers to place another order. The second one was pizza magnets. For this, we created high-quality illustrations of segments of each pizza, and these magnets could be assembled into a complete pizza. We included one magnet with each pizza order, and customers collected them on their refrigerator (an additional placement). When they gathered 8 identical magnets, they could exchange them for a free pizza. These magnets stood out in terms of quality compared to similar materials on the market, and customers highly appreciated them, actively sharing them on their social media stories. As an additional gamification element, we introduced a "super magnet" that could replace any other magnet in the set. This super magnet also simplified organizational processes, as it could be given out when other magnets were out of stock.

Google My Business

On the maps, there were locations of the company's previous pickup points. We closed these locations, added and configured new ones, fully completed the profiles, and regularly reposted adapted social media posts. Ultimately, all indicators showed a positive trend over time.

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