Dental Tourism
Dental Tourism is one of the areas of work of the VINIR dental clinic in Kyiv. The website is aimed exclusively at dental tourism, i.e. involves patients from abroad.
Our task was to develop a convenient site in English, which would be focused on foreign patients of the clinic, explain the benefits of treatment in Ukraine and show the professionalism of specialists.
We compared the prices for services in VINIR and in dental clinics of other countries, and we published the results of our research on the website. We also showcased available tariff plans, making it easier for customers to assess the profitability of offers.
Structure and wireframes

It was important for the client that site users could immediately find what they were looking for and sign up for a consultation in just a few clicks. To implement these requests, we have provided basic information on the main page: step-by-step instructions for registration, list of services, price comparison table, reviews, benefits and tariff plans.


We have developed a stylish concise site with a convenient search system that allows users to easily navigate the services. We filled the site  with photos and texts with descriptions of treatment options and its benefits, as well as posted on the main page step-by-step instructions for registration for treatment in VINIR.


We have created a service page where the patient can choose one of the tariff plans (economical, medium-priced and all-inclusive) and get acquainted in detail with what stages of treatment are included and what benefits the patient receives.

Adaptive design

The site works well not only in the desktop version, but also in the mobile one. We have created an adaptive site design so that users can comfortably sign up for VINIR treatment at any time, from any place in the world and using any mobile device.

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