Strategy "Circle of Choice" and Marketing Strategy

The "Circle of Choice" strategy is a concept that helps marketers understand and analyze the consumer decision-making process. It encompasses all stages of consumer interaction with a brand, starting from the awareness of a need to the final purchase decision and subsequent brand loyalty. In today's highly competitive market, understanding the Circle of Choice strategy is crucial for creating an effective marketing strategy that attracts and retains customers.

The Importance of Understanding the Consumer Decision-Making Process

Understanding how consumers make decisions is critically important for any business. It allows marketers to create more targeted and effective campaigns that address the needs and desires of customers at every stage of their journey. According to the Circle of Choice strategy, every stage of consumer interaction with a brand influences their subsequent decisions and behavior. Therefore, it is essential not only to capture the attention of potential customers but also to provide them with a positive experience at each stage of their journey.

What is the "Circle of Choice" Strategy?

The "Circle of Choice" strategy describes the various stages a consumer goes through during the decision-making process of purchasing a product or service. This process includes several key stages: from the awareness of a need, through consideration and evaluation of options, to the purchase decision, product usage experience, and finally, brand loyalty. Each stage influences consumer behavior and subsequent decisions, making the understanding of the Circle of Choice critical for developing effective marketing strategies.

The Importance of the Concept for Marketing Strategies

The concept of the Circle of Choice is highly significant for marketing strategies as it allows marketers to better understand the needs and motivations of consumers at each stage of their interaction with a brand. This understanding helps marketers create more targeted and personalized campaigns that take into account the specifics of each stage of the Circle of Choice.

Improving Targeting

Understanding which stage the consumer is at allows for more precise adjustment of advertising campaigns and the offering of relevant content. For example, at the awareness stage, it is crucial to attract potential customers' attention with bright advertising or engaging content, while at the evaluation stage, it is essential to provide detailed information about the product and its benefits.

Enhancing Communication Efficiency

Communications that correspond to a specific stage of the Circle of Choice are more effective. Consumers are more likely to respond to messages that address their current needs and questions. For instance, after a purchase, it is important to provide the customer with quality support and service to enhance satisfaction and foster loyalty.

Optimizing the Marketing Budget

Understanding the Circle of Choice strategy helps optimize the use of the marketing budget. Investing in the most relevant stages of the consumer decision-making process allows for better results with lower costs. This also helps avoid spending on ineffective channels or tactics.

Building Long-Term Customer Relationships

Using the Circle of Choice in marketing strategies helps build long-term relationships with customers. Understanding and meeting consumers' needs at each stage of their journey increases their loyalty and stimulates repeat purchases. This is especially important in a highly competitive environment where retaining customers can be more beneficial than attracting new ones.

Thus, the Circle of Choice strategy is a powerful tool for marketers, aiding in the construction of effective marketing strategies focused on consumer needs and behavior. Utilizing this approach not only enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also contributes to the long-term success of a business.

Main Stages of the Circle of Choice

In this section, we will examine the main stages of the Circle of Choice that a consumer goes through when making a decision to purchase a product or service. Each of these stages has its own characteristics and requirements for the marketing strategy, so understanding these stages will help you plan and implement your marketing campaigns more effectively.


The awareness stage is the initial phase in the Circle of Choice strategy for a consumer. At this stage, the consumer becomes aware of a need or problem that requires a solution. This can happen due to various triggers, such as changes in life circumstances, external stimuli, or internal feelings. The main goal of this stage is to attract potential customers' attention to your brand and create initial interest in your products or services.

Methods of Attracting Consumer Attention

At the awareness stage, it is important to use various methods to attract consumers' attention so they notice your brand and start considering your offerings as possible solutions to their problems. The main methods include:


Utilizing various types of advertising, such as online banners, contextual ads, television commercials, and print ads, helps capture the attention of a broad audience. Advertising messages should be bright, memorable, and clearly convey the main value of your product or service.

Content Marketing

Creating and distributing useful and informative content that aligns with the interests and needs of your target audience. This can include blog articles, videos, infographics, e-books, and webinars. Content should be optimized for search engines (SEO) to attract organic traffic from search queries.

PR Activities

Using public relations to increase awareness of your brand. This can include media publications, participation in industry events, holding press conferences, and issuing press releases. PR activities help create a positive brand image and attract the attention of potential customers.

Social Media

Active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter allows you to interact with your audience, answer their questions, and engage them in discussions about your products or services. Using paid advertising campaigns on social media can also significantly increase brand awareness.

Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with influencers who have a large audience and can recommend your products or services. This helps quickly attract attention and build trust from potential customers.

Using these methods in combination allows you to effectively attract the attention of potential customers at the awareness stage and create a strong foundation for the subsequent stages of the Circle of Choice strategy.


The consideration stage is the second phase in the consumer's Circle of Choice strategy, where potential customers have already recognized their need and begin actively seeking ways to satisfy it. At this stage, they compare different options, evaluate offers from various brands, and gather information to make an informed decision. The main goal of this stage is to provide potential customers with detailed information about your products or services and convince them that your brand is the best choice.

Providing Information About Products or Services

At the consideration stage, it is crucial to provide consumers with as much useful and relevant information about your products or services as possible. This will help them understand how your offerings can meet their needs. The main ways to provide information include:

Detailed Descriptions of Products/Services

Create detailed and clear descriptions of products or services on your website, including technical specifications, functional capabilities, benefits, and advantages.

Video Reviews and Demonstrations

Create videos that show how to use your product, its main features, and benefits. Videos can be posted on your website, YouTube, or social media.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A section with answers to the most common questions helps dispel doubts and provides useful information about your products or services.

Webinars and Online Presentations

Conduct webinars where you can detail your products, show them in action, and answer potential customers' questions in real-time.

The Importance of Comparisons, Reviews, and Recommendations

During the consideration stage, consumers often seek confirmation of their choice by comparing your offerings with those of competitors and paying attention to the experiences of other users. Important aspects include:

Comparative Tables

Providing comparative tables that show the advantages of your product compared to competitors helps consumers understand the unique benefits of your offering.

Reviews and Ratings

Reviews from real users and high ratings are powerful persuasion tools. Consumers trust the opinions of others who have already used your product or service.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Publishing case studies and success stories of your clients shows real examples of how your product has helped others solve their problems.

Recommendations from Experts and Influencers

Collaborating with industry experts and influencers to get recommendations and positive reviews about your product increases trust in your brand.

At the consideration stage, it is essential to be as transparent as possible and provide consumers with all the necessary information to make an informed decision. This will help increase their trust in your brand and facilitate their transition to the next stage of the Circle of Choice strategy — evaluation and selection.


The evaluation stage is a critical moment in the consumer's Circle of Choice, where they have gathered enough information about various products or services and begin to seriously assess their options. At this stage, consumers analyze, compare, and choose the best option that best meets their needs and expectations. The task of marketers at this stage is to provide compelling arguments that help consumers decide in favor of your product.

Comparison of Different Options

During the evaluation stage, consumers usually compare several products or services, weighing their advantages and disadvantages. To help them choose your product, it is important to provide transparent and understandable comparisons. This can be done in the following ways:

Comparative Tables

Creating comparative tables that detail the characteristics, features, and prices of your products compared to competitors. This helps consumers quickly understand the advantages of your product.

Tests and Reviews

Publishing the results of independent tests and reviews that confirm the superiority of your product over others. Video reviews can also be very effective in demonstrating real benefits.

Reviews and Ratings

Having a large number of positive reviews and high ratings on reputable platforms creates a positive impression of your product. Consumers often pay attention to the experiences of other users before making a final decision.

Arguments in Favor of the Product

To convince consumers to choose your product, it is important to provide clear and convincing arguments. These include:

Unique Selling Points (USP)

Highlight the features that differentiate your product from competitors. These could be innovative technologies, exclusive functions, or unique design. Explain why these advantages are important to the consumer and how they solve their problems.

Prices and Pricing Policy

Offering competitive prices or special deals can be a decisive factor for many consumers. Explain why your price is advantageous in terms of price/quality ratio.

Quality Guarantees

Provide quality guarantees for your product to reduce consumer risks. These can include warranty periods, return or exchange policies, as well as certificates of compliance and awards.

Customer Support

Emphasize the high level of customer service, including the availability of technical support, consultations, and service maintenance. Quality support increases trust in your product.

Social Responsibility and Ethical Aspects

If your brand actively supports social or environmental initiatives, highlight this. Many consumers pay attention to the ethical aspects of business and are willing to support brands that make a positive contribution to society.

At the evaluation stage, your task is to provide consumers with all the necessary arguments so they can confidently choose your product. Clear and transparent comparisons, positive reviews, unique advantages, and quality guarantees will help you convince consumers of the correctness of their choice.

Purchase Decision

The purchase decision stage is the culmination of the consumer's Circle of Choice. At this stage, the potential customer, who has already gathered and evaluated information about products or services, is ready to make a final choice and purchase. The task of marketers and sellers is to make this process as simple, convenient, and attractive as possible for the consumer, ensuring their confidence in making the right choice.

Ensuring Ease of the Purchase Process

To successfully guide a potential customer to the purchase stage, it is important to provide a maximally convenient and straightforward process. Key aspects to focus on include:

Simple and Clear Order Process

The purchase process should be as streamlined as possible, with a minimal number of steps. Using intuitive design and clear instructions helps avoid confusion.

Transparent Pricing and Terms

All prices, taxes, and additional costs should be clearly stated at the order stage to avoid misunderstandings. Consumers should have complete information about what they are buying and how much it costs.

Fast and Convenient Payment Processing

Offer various payment options, including credit cards, e-wallets, and other popular methods. Ensure the security of payment data and the speed of transaction processing.

Real-Time Support Availability

Provide the option to contact support if questions or issues arise during the purchase process. This can be via online chat, phone support, or email.

Promotions, Discounts, and Other Incentives

Additional incentives can significantly increase the likelihood of purchase and make your product more attractive to the consumer. Some of the most effective methods include:

Discounts and Special Offers

Offering discounts on the first purchase, seasonal sales, or special offers for new customers can encourage consumers to make a purchase more quickly.

Bonuses and Gifts

Provide additional bonuses or gifts with purchase. This can include free shipping, an extra item, or a discount on the next purchase.

Time-Limited Offers

Use time-limited promotions to create a sense of urgency. For example, "20% off today only" or "Offer valid until the end of the week."

Loyalty Programs

Create loyalty programs for regular customers, where they can accumulate points for purchases and exchange them for discounts or gifts.

Free Shipping

Offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount or as part of special promotions. This can be a significant incentive for many consumers.

Guarantees and Returns

Providing quality guarantees and the ability to return items with minimal effort reduces consumer risk and makes the purchase more appealing.

At the purchase decision stage, it is crucial to do everything possible to make the consumer feel confident and comfortable making a purchase. Ensuring the ease of the purchase process, combined with attractive incentives, will help you turn potential customers into actual buyers. If you effectively manage this important stage of the Circle of Choice, your brand's marketing strategy will be successful.

Post-Purchase Experience

The post-purchase experience stage is crucial in the consumer's Circle of Choice as it determines the customer's satisfaction after the purchase and their willingness to return to your brand in the future. After the consumer has made a purchase, it is important to ensure they have a positive experience with the product or service to strengthen their loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. At this stage, the consumer evaluates how well the product meets their expectations and the brand's promises.

Quality of Service and Customer Support

A key component of a positive post-purchase experience is quality service and customer support. Here are some key aspects to focus on:

Technical Support

Providing competent technical support that quickly and effectively responds to customer inquiries and resolves their issues. This can include a support hotline, online chat, or ticketing system.

Educational Materials

Offering customers detailed instructions, video tutorials, and other educational materials to help them quickly and easily master the use of the product. This reduces the number of support requests and increases customer satisfaction.

Return and Exchange Policy

Clear and transparent return and exchange policies that give customers confidence that they can return or exchange the product if necessary. This reduces risks for consumers and increases their trust in the brand.

After-Sales Service

Providing customers with after-sales service, such as regular check-ups, maintenance, or product updates. This helps maintain high product quality and meet customer needs even after the purchase.

The Importance of Feedback

Customer feedback is a valuable source of information for improving products and services. It is important to actively collect and analyze customer feedback to understand their needs and expectations. Here are some ways to engage feedback:

Surveys and Questionnaires

Conduct regular surveys and questionnaires to learn customers' opinions about the product, service quality, and potential improvements. This can include online surveys, post-purchase questionnaires, or interviews.

Reviews on Website and Social Media

Encourage customers to leave reviews on your website, social media, or specialized platforms. Respond to reviews, thank them for positive feedback, and constructively address negative feedback.

Data Analysis

Use analytical tools to analyze customer behavior, their feedback, and support requests. This helps identify problem areas and opportunities for improvement.

Loyalty Programs

Use loyalty programs to encourage customers to provide feedback. Offer bonuses or discounts for participating in surveys or leaving reviews.

Personal Contact

If possible, maintain personal contact with customers through phone calls or meetings to discuss their experience and find out how to improve the product or service.

Ensuring high-quality service and customer support, as well as actively engaging feedback, will help create a positive post-purchase experience. This will increase customer loyalty, encourage repeat purchases, and lead to recommendations of your brand to others.


The loyalty stage is the final phase in the Circle of Choice, a strategy that defines the long-term relationship between the customer and the brand. At this stage, satisfied customers become repeat buyers and even brand advocates, actively recommending it to their friends and family. Building loyalty is critically important for any business, as retaining existing customers is often more profitable than attracting new ones. The main goal of this stage is to strengthen the relationship with consumers and ensure their long-term commitment to the brand.

Loyalty Programs and Personalized Offers

Loyalty programs and personalized offers are effective tools for increasing customer loyalty. They help create a sense of mutually beneficial relationships and encourage customers to return repeatedly. The main elements of such programs include:

Accumulating Bonuses

Creating programs where customers can accumulate points for each purchase and exchange them for discounts, gifts, or special offers. This encourages more frequent purchases and increases customer satisfaction.

Exclusive Offers

Providing loyal customers with access to exclusive products, special promotions, or discounts. This helps customers feel special and valued by the brand.

Personalized Recommendations

Using data on previous purchases and customer behavior to create personalized offers and recommendations. This increases the relevance of the offers and customer satisfaction.

Privilege Programs

Developing programs that provide customers with additional privileges for their loyalty, such as free shipping, priority service, or access to private sales.

The Importance of Regular Communication with Consumers

Regular communication with consumers is an essential component of maintaining loyalty. It helps keep customers informed about new products, promotions, and events, as well as ensuring a constant connection between the brand and the customer. The main aspects of regular communication include:

Email Marketing

Regular emails with information about news, promotions, special offers, and personalized recommendations. This helps maintain customer interest in your brand and encourages repeat purchases.

Social Media

Active presence on social media allows for constant interaction with customers, answering their questions, sharing news, and running contests. This creates a sense of community and engages customers in the brand's life.

SMS and Mobile Notifications

Sending short messages with important information, reminders about promotions, or personalized offers. This ensures timely communication with customers.

Personal Calls

Using phone calls for personal contact with important customers, providing consultations, or inviting them to special events. This helps create closer relationships and increases trust in the brand.


Actively involving customers in discussions about products, services, and the overall experience with the brand. Considering their wishes and comments helps continuously improve service and products.

Maintaining regular communication with consumers and using loyalty programs help create strong and long-term relationships with customers. This ensures a stable flow of repeat purchases and contributes to a positive brand image, which in turn increases its competitiveness in the market.

Using the Circle of Choice in Marketing Strategy

Understanding the concept of the consumer's Circle of Choice allows marketers to create targeted and successful marketing strategies and campaigns that consider the needs and behavior of clients at each stage of their journey to purchase. Each stage requires distinct marketing strategies, approaches, and tools to ensure maximum engagement and conversion.


Utilize a wide range of tools, such as advertising, content marketing, social media, and PR campaigns, to attract the attention of potential clients and create initial interest in the brand.


Provide detailed information about products or services through blog articles, video reviews, comparisons, and user reviews. This helps clients consider your offerings as possible solutions to their needs.


Ensure transparent comparisons, demonstrations, and arguments in favor of your product. It is important to convince consumers of the advantages of your product over competitors.

Purchase Decision

Simplify the purchase process and offer incentives, such as discounts, promotions, and bonuses, to encourage quick decision-making.

Post-Purchase Experience

Provide high-quality service and customer support to ensure they remain satisfied with their purchase and are ready to return to your brand.


Use loyalty programs, personalized offers, and regular communication to strengthen relationships with clients and increase their loyalty to the brand.

Improving User Experience at Each Stage

Improving user experience (UX) at each stage of the Circle of Choice is key to attracting and retaining customers. Here's how to do it:


Ensure the availability of information about your brand across all relevant channels. Develop attractive content that grabs attention and sparks interest.


Provide users with all the necessary information to make an informed decision. Create easy-to-navigate websites and mobile apps.


Facilitate the process of comparing different options. Use interactive elements such as comparison tables and video reviews to help consumers easily evaluate your product.

Purchase Decision

Simplify the checkout process. Minimize the number of steps required to complete a purchase and ensure the security of payment data.

Post-Purchase Experience

Provide quality customer support after purchase. Use automated systems for quick problem resolution and offer access to educational materials.


Maintain regular communication with customers through email newsletters, social media, and loyalty programs. Offer personalized offers and exclusive deals.

Increasing Conversions and Supporting Loyalty

Using the Circle of Choice in your strategy helps increase conversions and maintain customer loyalty through targeted marketing strategies:

Increasing Conversions

Creating relevant content and offers for each stage of the Circle of Choice increases the likelihood that potential customers will become actual buyers. Using analytics to monitor user behavior and adjust strategy improves results.

Supporting Loyalty

Developing loyalty programs that encourage repeat purchases and regular communication helps maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Personalized offers and exclusive deals create additional value for regular customers.

Applying the Circle of Choice concept in your marketing strategy ensures effective interaction with customers at every stage of their journey, boosting conversions and long-term loyalty to the brand.

Ordering Marketing Strategy from COI.UA

Benefits of Working with COI.UA

Collaborating with COI.UA provides numerous advantages that will help your business reach new heights. Our team consists of experienced professionals who know how to develop and implement successful marketing strategies. Here are some benefits of working with us:

Professionalism and Experience

Our experts have many years of experience in marketing strategy and are well-versed in the latest trends and technologies.

Individual Approach

We develop strategies that meet the unique needs and goals of your business, ensuring maximum effectiveness and results.

Comprehensive Service

We offer a full range of marketing services, from analysis and planning to implementation and campaign monitoring.

Modern Tools

We use advanced technologies and tools for analyzing and optimizing your marketing campaigns, ensuring high performance.

How COI.UA Implements the Circle of Choice in Marketing Strategy

COI.UA helps implement the Circle of Choice concept into your marketing strategies, allowing effective interaction with customers at each stage of their journey. Here's how we do it:

Analysis and Research

We start with a detailed analysis of your target audience and their behavior to understand their needs and expectations.

Creating Personalized Campaigns

We develop marketing campaigns that consider the specifics of each stage of the Circle of Choice, ensuring relevant content and offers.

Optimizing User Experience

We work on improving user experience at every stage of interaction with your brand, from the first contact to post-purchase support.

Monitoring and Analytics

We conduct regular monitoring of campaign results and provide detailed reports that allow you to assess the effectiveness of the strategy and make necessary adjustments.

Supporting Loyalty

We implement loyalty programs and personalized offers that help retain customers and increase their satisfaction.

Invitation to Collaborate

We invite you to take advantage of our services and order the development and implementation of a marketing strategy from COI.UA. We will help you build an effective marketing strategy that considers all stages of the Circle of Choice, ensuring maximum engagement and customer loyalty. Contact us today to learn more about our services and discuss your needs.

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