Traffic Management Group
Traffic Management Group is one of the largest companies in Ukraine working in the field of traffic management. TMG works to create and implement effective solutions in the field of traffic organization and supplies materials for road construction.
We were tasked to develop a concise and clear site that would be easy to use, look stylish, presentable and emphasize a clear and responsible company’s approach to task performance.
For Traffic Management Group, we have developed a website that satisfies all customer requests. Minimalist design does not distract users and creates an emphasis on the services provided by the company and its benefits.

The site is easy to use for new users. On the main page we posted information about services, experience in carrying out various work loads, as well as added a block with logos of customers with whom Traffic Management Group cooperated.


Adaptive design

The site works well not only in the desktop version, but also in the mobile one. We have created an adaptive design to make it comfortable for users to find the information they need using any device.


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