Renetel is a network of laser hair removal salons, which we have been working on since the opening of the first salon in Lviv. Renetel stands out among competitors with high quality services and exemplary service.
For Renetel, we needed to develop a brand and its reputation in a highly competitive market from scratch. At the same time, our task was to achieve the tactical goals - the immediate customer registration for services. Salons were opened in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
To separate from competitors, we relied on fair prices, abandoning the practice of fake 70-90% discounts present in the segment. In contrast to the "conveyor", we emphasized individual approach, impeccable service and meticulous control over the technical condition of the equipment.

The name "Renetel" was invented by the clients themselves, and we helped to decide on the brand colors, fonts and the concept of brand presenting. The brand turned out to be gentle and feminine, elegant, caring and somewhat aristocratic. We support this character of the brand both in communication with clients and in graphic design.  



At the beginning of the cooperation, we developed simple and clear wireframe for the Renetel website, so that customers do not have to look for the necessary information for a long time. In the process of work, new locations and sections were added to the site, and optimization was performed.

Advising on the choice and design of premises

We work very closely with the client and jointly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the premises for salons, their location, pedestrian and car accessibility, etc. All salons are extremely cozy, bright, it's nice to be in them.



In Renetel social networks we communicate with restrain, we showcase the advantages of the salon to potential clients. The main sales tool is targeted advertising and retargeting. Customers are more likely to interact with Instagram, but the Facebook page also has its share of the audience.


In addition to the typical advertising and information messages, we also use gamification tactics. Public interactions are perceived sluggishly by the audience (probably due to the delicacy of the topic). However, customers loved Instagram stories with riddles and tasks of varying difficulty. Answering the riddles, customers can get a personal discount on hair removal.



We didn’t start immediately working with this youth network for Renetel, but we do it actively now. This is a strategic job which aim is to ensure the presence of the brand and the foundations for future promotion. Classic for this network, we shoot simple and fun videos. 

Google my business

Google Maps is also a powerful tool for Renetel. We have set up accounts for each of the salons, publish news, photos, monitor the reviews and questions. 

Context advertising

A feature of Renetel's target audience is the appointment booking via private messages on social networks, but customers also actively visit the site. With contextual advertising, we not only cover direct search queries, but also use remarketing tools to convince customers who are still hesitant about their choices.


Blog articles

On the Renetel website, we regularly write blog articles on popular topics. In addition to answering customer questions, we process key phrases that help the site move organically in the information search box. Thanks to competent internal optimization and work with the blog without any "black" or "gray" methods, Renetel gets its share of high-quality organic traffic.


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