Letkidsmove — the first large-scale project in which the PR component outweighs the marketing one. The project is very important and responsible for both its founders and our team. The goal is to provide Ukrainian schoolchildren with special standing desks for dynamic posture changes, thus making the younger generation healthier and smarter.
The main task for the COI team in this project was popularization. We had to use all available tools to make as many people as possible aware of the project and get involved. The target audience is extremely broad and includes parents, teachers, school administrators, officials, patrons, desk manufacturers, and anyone who can contribute to the project's development.
Since the project has significant societal importance and is tightly tied to specific dates, we began by developing marketing documentation. We then implemented the plan outlined in the marketing strategy step by step. The list of selected placements for the project is extensive and includes not only digital tools but also printed materials, interviews, letters, events, working with journalists, and thought leaders, among others.
Customer Avatar Map

The work on the Customer Avatar (CA) for the Letkidsmove project was a challenging task. The complexity of the project lies in the fact that the global goal of "providing children with the opportunity to change posture dynamically in Ukrainian schools" is broken down into a large number of sub-goals, each of which has its own CA (which have little overlap with each other). As a result, we developed 12 avatars that cover the majority of individuals who make decisions and are capable of advancing the Letkidsmove project towards its global goal using various tools and strategies.

Marketing Strategy

Since the customer avatar map Letkidsmove turned out to be quite extensive, the strategy had to effectively work in various directions simultaneously. At the same time, all these directions are equally important. Parents won't perceive the initiative positively if they are not well-informed about it. Schools won't apply for implementation if teachers are not interested, and the conditions are not feasible. Officials won't rush to help if the project does not appear to be reputationally beneficial to them, and society does not demand it. Sponsors won't fund the purchase of standing desks if the initiative's value for the community is not transparently highlighted, especially in the media. In addition, it was important to clearly divide the project into stages and tools, optimally distribute costs among them, and overall minimize them, as the project is non-profit.


In developing the prototype, we took into account a wide range of target audience avatars. We needed to create page and block structures that would provide an intuitive user experience for teachers, officials, and parents who may not be highly tech-savvy. At the same time, the website needed to appear modern and respectable in the eyes of the IT community, which is a "hot" segment of the target audience due to the popularity of standing desks for work.


For the website, we used the project's corporate design style and created sections and blocks for both immediate use and future expansion. The website's architecture is designed in a way that allows us to further develop additional functionality, expand the list of sections, and more as the project grows. The site loads quickly and can be scaled to handle high traffic if needed.


The main financial goal of the project is to attract the maximum amount of sponsorship funds to provide as many schools as possible with standing desks. In addition to negotiations regarding major contributions, there is also the possibility of microfinancing, which should not be overlooked. Therefore, a "Contribution" page was developed through which anyone interested can financially support the project with any amount. Contributions can be made from both within Ukraine and abroad, anonymously or not. Supporters can either contribute to the project as a whole or specifically finance the purchase of standing desks for a particular school. This way, graduates can support their own educational institution, while parents can contribute to equipping the school where their child studies with standing desks. There is also an option to receive financial reports for transparency in the use of funds.

Creating a Telegram bot

Since there are many questions from the public regarding the project, it was decided to develop a Telegram bot with the ability to automatically provide answers to common questions. With the help of this bot, you can learn more about the project for each group of participants - parents, teachers, sponsors, etc. If the required question is not in the list, you can request a manual response from the project coordinators. Frequently asked questions are analyzed and can be added to the bot's response database, thus simplifying information dissemination and reducing the need for human resources on the project's side.


For the project's promotion, we chose two of the most popular social media platforms - Instagram and Facebook, based on the project's target audience. Different segments of the target audience are more active on either one or the other platform, but together these platforms cover the majority of the avatars within the target audience. In our posts, we provide information about the project's achievements, highlight its advantages, share news, express gratitude to those who have joined the project, and offer valuable insights for parents and teachers.


For the Letkidsmove project, we decided to focus on targeted advertising because there are very few relevant queries during contextual search, and there is no competition. Therefore, organic search results cover this area completely. We target advertising to various audiences depending on the content of the ad and the avatars it's intended for. We systematically process different segments of the target audience and expand engagement.

Printed Materials Development

For Letkidsmove, it is important to convey information to the target audience not only in a virtual form but also in physical form that can be "held in hand." Therefore, we worked on the design of flyers and useful posters for parents and schools. The posters for parents do not contain direct advertising or informational links but are useful for children: they can write down schedules and daily routines. However, the use of the corporate style additionally encourages parents to learn more about the program and resonates with the visual elements of Letkidsmove materials they may have seen in school or on social media.

Sticker pack

Despite having a substantial list of customer avatars covering various interaction directions (parents, directors, teachers, patrons, government officials), the main "clients" of the project are still the children. Therefore, in the development of the sticker pack, we primarily focused on them to make it enjoyable and interesting for kids. However, we didn't forget about the adults either. The developed sticker pack should appeal to everyone without exception, and using the stickers in daily life will help spread information about the project.


To effectively showcase the program during various events, we have created a presentation for Letkidsmove. It is designed in our corporate style and includes key arguments in favor of dynamic posture, statistical data, interesting examples, forecasts regarding the impact of program-based learning on children's health, and more.

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