What does a brand style include?

Competition among brands is reaching its peak, making the brand style play a decisive role in defining a company's identity and image. Brand style is not just a set of visual elements such as a logo, color palette, fonts, and other graphic attributes. It is a comprehensive communication tool that conveys the values, mission, and uniqueness of the brand to the consumer, helping to create an emotional connection and recognition among the masses.

Brand style serves as the foundation for any marketing strategy, allowing a company to stand out in the market, attract and retain customers. It acts as a promise to the consumer, representing the quality and value that the brand offers. In a world where the first impression can decide everything, a strong and consistent brand style is a key factor in success.

The history of brand styles shows the evolution from simple signs and symbols to complex visual systems that span various platforms and media. In the past, brand style might have been limited to just a logo on a store sign. However, with the development of technology and marketing strategies, it has transformed into a comprehensive approach that includes web design, social media, packaging, advertising materials, and much more. Today, brand style is an integral part of branding that requires detailed planning and execution.

The evolution of brand style reflects changes in societal values, technologies, and aesthetic preferences. From the retro styles of the early 20th century to the minimalist and high-tech designs of the present, the history of brand styles tells the story of the search for the perfect way to interact with the consumer.

Main Components of Brand Style

Brand style is the visual language of a brand, which includes logos, color palettes, fonts, and other design elements. These components together form a unique identity that distinguishes the brand from competitors and aids in its memorability.


Evolution of Logo Designs

The logo is not just a graphic symbol but an important part of a brand's identity that has evolved along with technologies and consumer preferences. From simple monochromatic images to complex 3D models, the evolution of logos reflects changes in marketing strategies and societal aesthetic preferences.

Color Psychology in Logos

Color significantly influences the perception of a logo. Each color evokes certain associations and emotions, so choosing the right color for a logo can improve brand recognition and consumer perception.

Brand Colors

Color Theory and Its Impact on Consumers

Colors play a key role in brand identity, influencing emotions and consumer decisions. The choice of brand colors should be based on color theory and its psychological impact to effectively communicate the brand's values and characteristics.

Choosing Brand Colors

Analyzing successful cases of brand color selection demonstrates how a properly chosen color palette can make a brand recognizable and differentiate it in the market.


The Role of Fonts in Visual Identity

Fonts are no less important element of brand style, affecting readability and information perception. The choice of font should reflect the brand's character and be consistent across all marketing materials.

Popular Fonts for Brand Styles

Reviewing the most popular fonts used in brand styles can provide ideas for your own brand. It is important to choose a font that is easily readable in various media and contexts.

Visual Elements and Attributes

Brand Attributes

From business cards to product packaging, consistency in brand style should be maintained in all brand attributes. This creates a strong visual image and aids in better brand memorability.

Importance of Consistency in Design

Ensuring consistency in the use of brand elements across all communication channels is key to building a strong brand. Consistency helps consumers more easily identify and remember the brand.

Extended Elements of Corporate Style

The significance of a brand style extends beyond just the basic elements such as logos and brand colors. Extended elements help create a deeper and more personal connection with the audience, enhancing brand recognition and its values.

Slogan and Brand Messages

Creating Effective Slogans

A slogan is not just a catchy phrase; it's a powerful communication tool that conveys the key values and promises of a brand. An effective slogan should be concise, memorable, and reflect the essence of the brand. It can evoke an emotional response and increase brand loyalty.

Brand Stories

Telling stories that reflect the mission and values of the brand helps create a strong connection with the audience. Brand stories can be about the company's founding, satisfied customer stories, or examples of the brand's positive impact on society.

Product Packaging

Designing Packaging as Part of Brand Style

Product packaging plays a critical role in how consumers perceive a brand. It not only protects the product but also serves as an effective marketing tool. Packaging design that aligns with the brand style helps increase product recognition on store shelves and can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

Eco-friendliness of Packaging

Modern consumers are increasingly focusing on the eco-friendliness of products. Environmentally friendly packaging not only contributes to environmental preservation but also improves the brand's image.

Branded Apparel and Merch

The Role of Branded Apparel in Branding

Branded apparel and merchandising are important tools for brand building, providing additional touchpoints with the audience. From branded t-shirts and caps to more unique items like bags or tech accessories, these products can encourage interaction with the brand and enhance its visibility in consumers' daily lives.

Customization of Merch

Offering customization options for merch (e.g., adding a customer's name to the product) can significantly increase the emotional value of the item and foster a deeper connection with the brand.

Extended elements of the brand style play a crucial role in creating a holistic and engaging brand experience. They help brands not only stand out in the market but also build stronger and emotionally charged relationships with their audience.

Developing a Corporate Style

Developing a corporate style is a comprehensive process that requires a deep understanding of the brand, its values, target audience, and market environment. This process ensures the creation of a unique and recognizable visual identity that helps attract and retain customers.

Audience and Market Analysis

Research Methods and Tools

The first step in developing a corporate style is an in-depth analysis of the target audience and market. Using tools such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, as well as analysis of social media and behavioral data, allows understanding the preferences, needs, and expectations of potential customers. Additionally, a competitive analysis helps identify distinctive features and opportunities for differentiating the brand in the market.

Defining Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)

Understanding what sets your brand apart from competitors is key to developing an effective corporate style. Defining USPs will help you formulate core brand messages that resonate with your audience.

Strategy and Planning

Stages of Corporate Style Development

Developing a corporate style requires clear planning and strategy. Defining key elements of brand identity, such as logos, corporate colors, fonts, and other visual elements, are essential stages. It's also important to consider how these elements will be integrated across various media and customer touchpoints.

Engaging Professionals and Agencies

To ensure high quality and effectiveness of the corporate style, many companies turn to professional designers or specialized agencies. They provide expert analysis, creative solutions, and help implement the corporate style across all business aspects. We are ready to assist you with this challenging and crucial task.

Implementing the Corporate Style

Integrating the Style into All Aspects of Business

After developing the corporate style, it needs to be integrated into all aspects of the business - from marketing materials to the website, product packaging, and internal communications. This ensures consistency and helps increase brand recognition.

Monitoring and Adaptation

The world of branding and design is constantly changing, so it's important to regularly review and update the corporate style. Monitoring effectiveness through collecting and analyzing customer feedback, as well as adapting to new trends and technologies, will help maintain the relevance and appeal of the brand.

Developing and implementing a corporate style is not a one-time action but an ongoing process that requires attention to detail, a strategic approach, and readiness for adaptation. Using these principles allows creating a strong and recognizable brand that meets the needs of the target audience and stands out in the market.

Digital Aspects of Brand Style

Nowadays, brand style extends far beyond traditional print production, encompassing all aspects of a brand's online presence. Digital platforms offer endless opportunities for expressing brand style, from websites to social media, each requiring a unique approach while maintaining the integrity and consistency of the brand.

Website as Part of Brand Style

The website often serves as the first place potential clients turn to for information about your brand, so its design and functionality must clearly reflect the brand style. Optimizing the website for the brand means not only using brand colors and logos but also adapting fonts, communication style, and visual elements that resonate with the overall identity of the brand.

Website Optimization for the Brand

It's crucial to ensure that every page of the website matches the brand style. This includes adapting the design, fonts, icons, and other visual elements. Attention should also be given to UX/UI design to ensure the ease of use of the website, which plays a significant role in shaping brand perception.

Social Media

Social media is not just channels for promoting products or services but also powerful tools for expressing brand style and engaging audiences. Creating a unified visual strategy for social networks allows maintaining brand consistency and strengthening its identity across various touchpoints with the audience.

Creating a Unified Visual Strategy in Social Networks

It's important to develop a visual strategy that includes uniform styles for posts, stories, channel covers, and advertising materials. Using brand colors, fonts, and logos helps make your social media recognizable and ensures visual consistency. Also, the importance of content that reflects the values and voice of the brand, utilizing the brand style in textual and visual content, should not be overlooked.

Developing a comprehensive digital strategy for brand style is key to ensuring a strong online presence for the brand. It allows not only to attract an audience but also to maintain their interest and loyalty through visual appeal and brand consistency across all digital channels.

Brand Style Samples from the COI.UA Portfolio

Brand style not only reflects the essence of a brand but also serves as a powerful tool for interacting with the audience, shaping their perception and attitude towards your product or service. The importance of a unique and meaningful brand style cannot be underestimated, as it helps stand out among competitors and build a strong emotional connection with clients.

In this section, we will present you with brand style samples from the COI.UA portfolio, demonstrating a variety of approaches and creative solutions implemented by our team. Each example reflects a deep understanding of the target audience and clients' business goals, which allowed for the creation of effective and memorable brand styles.

You will see how properly chosen design elements, such as logos, brand colors, fonts, and other visual attributes, can tell the story of the brand, highlight its values, and distinguish it from the competition. Each of these samples serves as proof that a creative and thoughtful brand style is key to success in today's business.


For the Letkidsmove project, we developed a detailed target audience map, formulated a marketing strategy, and complemented the existing brand style with website design, a Telegram bot, designs for social media, and developed a series of print products.

Pava Logistics Inc

For Pava Logistics Inc, the COI.UA team developed an identity from scratch. This includes a logo that meets modern trends, a color palette that distinguished our client among competitors, branding elements for service vehicles, brand merch, website design, and social media.


For IntelVision, we modified the logo to make it more modern and timely. We worked out the rules for its use in different placements, developed the design of branded clothing, merch, social media pages layout, and email signatures. We also developed a brief marketing strategy for IntelVision to help our client work better and more successfully.

More Samples

We approach each project with maximum care and attention, and in our portfolio, you can see many more samples of brand style development for various businesses and industries.

Order Services from COI.UA

In today's world, where business competition reaches unprecedented heights, the importance of an effective corporate style cannot be overstated. COI.UA offers a comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of a corporate style that not only reflects the essence of your brand but also promotes its recognition and success.

Advantages of Collaborating with COI.UA

Individual Approach

Every brand is unique, and we at COI.UA understand this. Our specialists work to develop a corporate style that perfectly matches the goals and values of your business, ensuring its uniqueness and memorability.

Experience and Professionalism

Our team consists of experienced designers, marketers, and strategists who use the latest trends and methodologies to create an effective corporate style capable of solving the most complex business tasks.

Comprehensive Solutions

We offer a full range of services, from developing a logo and corporate identity to creating a brand book and designing corporate materials, ensuring the unity and consistency of your brand across all points of contact with the audience.

How We Can Help Your Business

Development of Corporate Style

We create a visual identity that reflects the features of your brand, making it recognizable and promoting new customer engagement.

Optimization for Digital Platforms

Our experts will help adapt your corporate style for an effective online presence, including websites and social media, ensuring consistency and high audience engagement.

Brand Strategy

We develop strategies that allow your brand to effectively communicate with the target audience, increase customer loyalty, and outperform competitors.

Turning to COI.UA, you get not just a design but a comprehensive solution that includes strategy, development, and support of your business's corporate style. Our goal is to help your brand make a statement, attract the attention of potential customers, and ensure its long-term success.

Do not leave your brand without the attention it deserves. Order services from COI.UA today and start your journey to creating a unique and memorable corporate style that will elevate your business to a new level.

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